How to import a MS Project plan

Save an XML file

To import your MS Project Plan, you must first save it as an XML file.

Import MS Project XML

Whilst in the Tasks & Milestones area, click on the downward arrow next to Add Milestone and select Import MS Project XML. 

Click on Import MS Project XML and find the relevant XML File or drag and drop the file into the box. When the file has been imported a green tick will be displayed. 

The following information will be imported into Verto from each task and milestone in Microsoft Project:

  • Task Name: Mapped to task/milestone title in Verto
  • Start Date: Mapped to start date in Verto
  • End Date: Mapped to end date in Verto
  • % Completed: Mapped to Percent Complete in Verto
  • Predecessor Tasks: Mapped to dependencies in Verto (shown on the Gantt as an orange line). Cross project links are not imported
  • Project Unique ID: Mapped to the MS Project Unique ID field stored in Verto and used by the import process to update a task or milestone if the same file is uploaded multiple times. This field isn't visible on screen.
  • Import Filename: Mapped to the MS Project Filename field stored in Verto and used by the import process to update a task or milestone if the same file is uploaded multiple times. This field isn't visible on screen.

Multiple imports

The same MS Project plan can be imported multiple times into a project. This enables the regular updating of previously imported tasks or milestones. Any tasks or milestones already in Verto will be updated with the new information from the project file. New tasks and milestones will also be added.

Top Tip

  • When importing an MS project plan multiple times on the same project, you must always use an updated version of the original MS Project file. This updated file should always have the exact same file name as the original i.e. do not add 'V2.0'. If the file name of the new XML file is different, Verto will interpret this as a brand-new import, resulting in duplicate entries being added.